“And the best poster goes to…” Be amazed and wowed with our Principal Investigators’ innovation and creativity in their teaching development grants (TDGs). Being online does not mean we cannot have exciting chats and interactions with peers. In fact, this is far more exciting than a usual poster session in a traditional conference. Join us to experience a brand-new poster showcase.
These curated posters showcase a visual summary of completed or in-progress TDG projects. Each selected poster will be in a virtual gallery where you can read through and review to gain new teaching insights. This virtual gallery will be followed by a “meet and greet” with the principal investigators themselves to raise your questions and to know more about their projects. And you will get the chance to pick your top 3 posters for the best poster award.
See you on 14 April 2021, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, and let’s celebrate the wonderful achievements of our colleagues.

COMMUNIC8: 8 Impacts of the CiC Initiative
Faculty of Engineering

Vicarious Learning Dialogue Videos, familiar friend, innovative pedagogy
Faculty of Dentistry

COMMUNIC8: 8 Impacts of the CiC Initiative

COMMUNIC8: 8 Impacts of the CiC Initiative

An untapped resource: students as near-peer teachers in medical education

Using innovative video technologies to promote pre-service science teachers’ responsiveness
Faculty of Education

Using Flipped Classroom and Simulation Case Scenario to enhance Nursing Students’ Clinical Reasoning
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

An untapped resource: students as near-peer teachers in medical education

An untapped resource: students as near-peer teachers in medical education
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Digital Design House – An e-learning platform for collaborative product development
Faculty of Engineering

Combining e-learning platform with web conferencing – a novel approach to running a “virtual” Radiology Workshop for undergraduates in the COVID-19 era
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

EmpowerU: Engaging minds and hearts through a cross-disciplinary, community-led, impact-based teaching and learning platform
Faculty of Law

Interprofessional Education: A Transformative Online Collaborative Learning Process Model
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

“Flip” to flap: Flip the Practical Chinese Classroom
Faculty of Arts

Achieving the goals of Language Advising through Co-construction of Dialogue

Enriching Academic Research Experiences among Undergraduate Business Students
Faculty of Business and Economics

MindNP – Building the Mindful capacity for the Nursing Practicum: an online peer learning approach
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

More Than Just Videos: Engaging Students in Active Online Learning
Faculty of Business and Economics

Principle-Guided Flipped Classroom Implementation for Deepening the Learning of Practical Skills and Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Inter-generational participatory co-design X Experiential learning –> Innovative pedagogy

Soaring to blue sky and Contributing to Society — Online Self-paced Courseware for the Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) and employability assessment
Faculty of Arts

DES: a virtual space for learning
Faculty of Architecture

COMMUNIC8: 8 Impacts of the CiC Initiative

Principle-Guided Flipped Classroom Implementation for Deepening the Learning of Practical Skills and Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Faculty of Engineering

Online learning during COVID – experience at HKUMed
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Do undergraduate dental students learn better with the real or digitalized skull?
Faculty of Dentistry

Fundamentals of Speech, Language, and Communication Development and Disorders in Chinese Speakers On Demand
Faculty of Education

Utilising Mobile Technology and Virtual-Reality for Task Oriented Practical in Histology and Gross Anatomy Labs
Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Digitizing Chemistry: Equipping Students with Transferable E-Skills
Faculty of Science

Intercultural competence: More than a skillset