Assessment for Student Learning in Law and beyond
Date : THU 14 MAY 2015
Time : 14:00 – 15:00
Venue : Large Moot Court, 2/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower
In the first part of the talk, David Carless will draw on his recent research into the assessment practices of recipients of awards for teaching excellence. He will frame the discussion through his learning-oriented assessment framework. Key issues in assessment task design are discussed and a number of features of worthwhile assessment tasks proposed. These include: facilitating persistent intellectual engagement; mirroring real-life uses of the subject; permitting student choice and flexibility; and engineering timely in-class feedback dialogues.
In the second half of the talk, Rick Glofcheski will draw on his experiences of assessment practice in the subject of Law. He will discuss examples of assessment designed for productive learning and the nurturing of independent life-long learning habits and dispositions. A particular focal point will be the Reflective Media Diary which requires students to identify a wide range of authentic law-related events reported in the media, include a provisional legal analysis, keep a diary and track subsequent developments. Wider implications for good assessment practice will be raised.

Prof. David Carless, University of Hong Kong
David Carless is Professor of Educational Assessment in the Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong. His work is centered on learning-oriented assessment and dialogic feedback in higher education. His next book, to be published by Routledge in April 2015, is entitled Excellence in University Assessment: Learning from award-winning teaching.

Prof. Rick Glofcheski, University of Hong Kong
Rick is a professor in the Department of Law at the University of Hong Kong. His primary areas of teaching and research are in tort law, labour and employment law, and teaching and learning in higher education. Rick was selected for the award of University Teaching Fellow (2004), the inaugural University Outstanding Teaching Award (2009), the inaugural University Distinguished Teaching Award (2010), and the inaugural Hong Kong-wide University Grants Committee Teaching Excellence Award, in recognition of outstanding teaching and his leadership and contributions to the advancement of teaching and learning. He is the initiator and a sponsor of this 2015 conference.